Saturday, April 28, 2012

“Scrumptious Saturday” freebie post…

Another itty bitty post. *sigh* In case some of you may not know…this is my 4th year of freebie posts and I am getting closer to the 1000th post. Oh My! It all started with my love of “reading” blogs, then finding a goodie, then sharing what I found with all of you. The reason for me telling you this is because my posts will not be as organized as usual…filled to the top with finds…or posted daily. As much as I don’t like to admit it…this is my temporary reality. Since the unexpected hiatus from the internet, I have gotten way behind and it is a little overwhelming the amount of stuff I “want” to read and still find time to share with you. I just am trying to find my happy spot again. I will never let this become an “obligation”, for fear that would take the enjoyment out it. I watch other freebie finders come and go and I completely understand. It does require time, which after a while becomes really scarce. I keep chugging along, striving to enjoy my passion for digital scrapbooking and photography. Ok so there you have it…I have babbled enough! *wink* Basically when I find them in my reading…I will share them with you!

Kits & Samplers

Freebie 29Freebie 28

Elements & Misc

Freebie 26Freebie 25Freebie 15Freebie 2Freebie 1Freebie 35Freebie 33


Freebie 16Freebie 3Freebie 4Freebie 7Freebie 8Freebie 9Freebie 10Freebie 11Freebie 12Freebie 13Freebie 14Freebie 27


Freebie 32Freebie 31Freebie 20Freebie 17

Alphas & Wordart

Freebie 30Freebie 21Freebie 5Freebie 6Freebie 18Freebie 19Freebie 41Freebie 38Freebie 37Freebie 36

Quickpages & Bragbooks

Freebie 44Freebie 43Freebie 40Freebie 39Freebie 34Freebie 24Freebie 23

Hybrid & Printables

Freebie 42

Other Fun Stuff!

Freebie 22


Leanne said...

Missed your posting during your hiatus. Yes there are a few finders out there, but you have an original talent that seems to find some of the very best freebies in the land. Long may you continue to enjoy reading and us your generous gift of sharing. : )

vivian said...

Thanks for doing this hard work for us! Your site is the best and I check it everyday. :)

Jeanine said...

Hi Suz,

I'm glad you're back! Don't bother what was, just go forward and post what you think is worth have to enjoy what you're doing, it takes a lot of time indeed and I'm glad you provide us with nice quality freebies. If not every day or in neat categories, so be it! I'm just happy you're posting again!!

Sue said...

Whenever you post your lists, I appreciate them. Thank you. Only you can decide what schedule fits best for you, and will give you joy without being a big burden.

I hope you enjoy making your lists. I sure enjoy looking at them and picking up the goodies! :)

Anonymous said...

Just want to say I LOVE what you do and am so thankful for your previews! I totally get that life happens :) and look forward to seeing what you have time for.

btw - I only allow myself to follow a few blogs (I could sit here ALLLLL day!) and yours is one of them!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy clicking on to your blog everyday to see just want you may of found which I didn't..keep up your good work..nancy

bourriquette said...

thank you very much!
I understand what you've said!
it must be a pleasure not an obligation for you!
I want to thank you for the 2 past years reading your posts and enjoying the freebies you've collected for us!
sorry for my english...
friendly from france

Yin said...

Thank you, your hard work is not unnoticed, I really appreciate your blog both as a designer and a scrapbooker! You have kept us all going for so long, thank you!! You're right, just do as much or as little as you feel comfortable and happy with. May it continue to be enjoyable for you!